MYS is taking expressions of interest for any crew available for Freelance / Temp & Seasonal roles over the Australian Summer.

Day rates for Stewardess work in Australia range from $300- $600 AUD / day depending experience and the requirement & will go up for major events (NYE & Public Holidays)

MYS currently has summer opportunities from Junior Stew to Chief Stewardess for both seasonal & temp.

If you have plans to be in Australia / NZ region over the summer please register your interest and include a brief message about what you are available for, along with your location in Australia/NZ

Can’t find a fulltime Stewardess this Summer? This could be the reason why

Summer is here, yachts are in full swing and coming off a year of harsh lock downs and minimal international travel, owners are keen to use their yachts. But where are all the stewardesses?

The very simple answer …..Freelancing !

Gone are the days where stewardesses are gunning for fulltime positions onboard superyachts.

Once upon a time daywork was reserved for the keen ‘greeny’ frothing to get some experience, hoping it might lead to a permanent position.  

Now, it is reserved for the experienced stewardess keen to share their time between both work and the beach (and getting paid top dollar for it)

But who can blame them… the freelance rate for a stewardess in Sydney harbour has gone through the roof !

We’d all prefer to hit the beach over summer and work when we want. And why wouldn’t you if your financially better off.

2-3 years ago the standard day rate in Australia was $250 / day , maybe $300 / day for someone experienced.

Now, girls are freelancing for upwards of $400-$500+ / day and over $1000 for the major events like NYE.

Captains & Engineers are scratching their heads wondering what happened to their salaries.

Decky’s are discreetly looking up stewardess fast track courses in their spare time.

Networks are flooded, with “we need a stew this weekend URGENTLY” “Can anyone recommend a stew” “ I need a Steeeeeewwwww !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Over 50% of the stewardess positions on yachts in Sydney harbour are now filled by freelancing stewardesses

How did this position turn into a role that is now only filled casually?

Here are a few reasons…

  1. Fulltime Stewardess Salaries haven’t budged much in 10 years

You pay for what you get. Owners need to be educated that if they want the best possible service, the same faces, the crew to live on constant standby ect… they have to pay for it

2020 has seen an influx of new yachts arrive into Australia to take up residence here. More yachts means more crew are needed and there just doesn’t seem enough crew (namely stewardesses) to go around

There is allot of in the hand transactions in the freelance market , or in the very least through an ABN where rates are paid in full

When demand is high, the price goes up … its simple business

Everyone would prefer to be at the beach than go to work

No finger pointing here but if yachts take care of their fulltime crew and meet their financial and lifestyle needs, they tend to keep them long term and fulltime

So how does the fulltime stewardess drought get fixed?

Short Answer…There needs to be a cultural shift back to making the fulltime stewardess position attractive again.

Otherwise rates will keep going up , the drought will get worse and the search to find that elusive stewardess will go on

As the world is shocked by yet another terrorist attack in France today, Superyacht crew around the world are beginning to rethink their travel to Europe.


Today in Nice, France. A man drove a truck down the high st of Promenade Des Anglais during Frances National Bastille Day Celebrations, killing over 70 unsuspecting people and injuring dozens.

Nice is the primary entrance port, for superyacht crew flying into France.

Nice being only 20 minutes to the ports of Antibes and Monaco and a stone throw away from the pubs in the old town of Nice, a regular hot spot for superyacht crew on their nights off.


Reports from yacht crew currently in Antibes say the security presence has intensified this season. Not only in and around the airport but at all major seaports along the French Riviera.

“It is not unusual to see hordes of police wearing tactical gear around areas of significance”, Says chief officer Ben Lewis, “there definitely seems to be a greater security presence this year than in previous years.”


Superyachts are also incorporating strict security measures, with many maintaining 24 hour gangway watches when in port. Other Superyachts are choosing to remain at anchor instead of spending a night in some less secure marinas along the Mediterranean coast.


French Immigration officers at airports have also intensified their boarder control measures particularly with their decisions about who can enter Europe and for how long.

Foreign Superyacht Crew should definitely be prepared with the adequate visas, seaman’s discharge book and ships papers if wanting to be guaranteed a smooth entrance into France. In light of today’s events they should also be prepared for lengthy delays if travelling to Nice in the coming weeks.


But is the increase of security actually working and is it safe for superyacht crew to undertake the season with confidence of their safety, particularly around the ports of Europe and North Africa?


 “We shouldn’t change how we live our lives” says Ben Lewis, “Increase security measures, absolutely… But our yachting life must go on. The day we stop doing the things we love is the day terrorism wins”



Tired of doing the Milk Run ?

Hats off to the crew at Motor Yacht Glaze for this amazing shot of taking Superyachts to new & exciting destinations around Australia

The Kimberley’s is a growing Superyacht destination in Australia, offering spectacular cruising grounds and untouched anchorages without anyone else in sight.

The picture above speaks a thousand words and signifies the rewards that await for owners wanting to venture further than North Head in Sydney harbour.

Remote locations do offer their own challenges though, including fuel range, provisions, parts, owner transfers &  local knowledge, but the benefits are obvious

Major Yacht Services will continue to assist Superyachts wishing to make the journey to remote locations and ensure seamless, stress free cruising for both the crew & owners alike.